SALVEMOS NUESTRO MEDITERRÁNEO - Save Our Mediterranean Proyecto realizado en colaboración con @bhubstudiopara @natgeoesp...
Personal project to show the pain from my own point of view. Inspired in the 80's trading cards "Garbage Pail kids"...
Funk & Souk music festival poster. Collaboration with @eightpersand Fully Hand painted and hand written digitally. #ipadpro #procreate...
CURSO DE LETTERING ARTÍSTICO: TRUCOS PARA VESTIR TUS LETRAS Aprende a dibujar letras, números, símbolos y monogramas ilustrados de la mano de Joluvian, diseñador gráfico, calígrafo, tipógrafo e ilustrador. Su pasión por las letras le ha llevado a crear un estilo en el que el lettering...
She fed us, she took care of us, she defended us. I made this little tribute to my mother with my own version of the Mexican alebrijes. Wherever you are, thanks for everything. I love you mum...
The ampersand is the logogram &, representing the conjunction "and". It originated as a ligature of the letters et—Latin for "and". The word ampersand is a corruption of the phrase "and per se" meaning ‘and by itself’. ...
This sticker set it’s the first project by Eightpersand (Alice Mazzilli & Joluvian). All design are inspired by what we love and our personal mottos.