The Masterclasses am Brillantengrund is a workshop series for creatives from all over the world. Twice a year, for a few days, participants and international lecturers will meet at a great place where they can learn from each other, exchange opinions and experience, and simply have a great time
Brush Pen workshop with Joluvian
This workshop is dedicated to the ancient craft of calligraphy. During the class, you will practice each letter of the alphabet so you will learn to perform full texts that can be used in posters, logos, tattoos, and many other variants. This mix will open new doors in your professional development. You will get in close contact with the essence of the exciting world of calligraphy: ink, brush, stroke, and other tools; key elements that are often left aside in our computer age, but which are basic for good lettering.
Mor info: http://www.mcab.at/index.html
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